Thursday, March 09, 2006

So much to say....

Well I got my Crocs and wow....those are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. I will be buying me some more of those puppies! Highly recommended shoes! Especially if you have foot problems.

I was on Donna's web site the other day and saw her Poppet she had designed by artist Claudine Helmuth. Well I have mine being done as well. Here is Donna's. I asked for something scrapbook related as well. If you want her information please email me at

I have been looking over my information for CKU and getting very excited to take some of the classes there. One I think will be really good will be Elsie Flanigan's. I have a couple back to back with her. She is so cool!

Got our tickets a couple days ago for The Shrine Circus. We are going on Saturday. I haven't been to the circus since I was young.

Lauren was told last weekend she is in bowling provincials on Sunday. My little 4 year old is kicking the older kids' butts. It is very strange seeing how good she is at only 4. My 7 year old son has his nose out of joint that she is in provincials and he isn't.

We are going out for dinner tonight for Jon's birthday. We are going to the Keg for dinner. My Mom, her boyfriend, my sister, niece, our 2 kids, my father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and the 2 of us. Should be tight but I know Jon loves the Keg! Happy Birthday dear!

On the is my daily dose of my boyfriend....

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