Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Been busy....having a hard time keeping up... has been crazy busy here! We have a Beaver's camp this weekend with B in the Stettler area Saturday and part of Sunday (B misses swimming lessons again), Laur has the Bowler of the Year Competition tomorrow night at 7 p.m., B has Beavers tonight and we are launhing rockets, Nikki is coming over today to work of retreat stuff, I was told our old school's (I still do stuff for them) yearbook has to be in and approved at the printer for April 28th, well that mean I have to finish it off single handidly. The Principal from school called me to tell me that the "school registration signs" I ordered were put in the wrong spot and they are infringing boundaries. Now, I have to try and get them moved to a different location. We have the retreat next weekend and aren't ready yet. I found out today, we DO have enough tables. This is our largest retreat so far! I still have people calling to find out if they can come. NO MORE ROOM AT THE INN & IN THE SCRAPBOOK ROOM. Sorry! Book for NEXT FALL! My friend and her daughter are coming over Monday for a visit as I haven't seen her since last summer. Janna needs to get together with Nikki & I still so we can get the workshops together........too much going on!

I want a break!

Here is some info on how crazy I am....what kind of cookie are you?

You Are a Black and White Cookie

You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked!

1 comment:

Janna said...

ahh poor woman... sounds like you need a getaway... i know this awesome online store that puts on these killer retreats... ;D

had an AWESOME time at USC, so MUCH to tell you!! can't wait to chat... hope your cubs outing goes well!!

