Monday, June 26, 2006

Man I am in rough shape!

Well I had a very busy weekend. I wasn't feeling the best on Friday. I had been having chest pains the whole day and on and off a few days prior. Saturday morning I woke up and was feeling like crap. Jon had left the night before to go to work (hasn't been working all month). I had to take the kids to a screening of CARS at South Common which was a good movie but I was having chest pains throughout the whole movie. So, finally I whipped th kids out of the theatre to avoid the mob right when the credits were about to start. I zipped over the medi-center across the street from Grey Nuns Hospita. Now I am feeling lightheaded and starting to feel sick. I got in to the doctor immediately but took me 15-20 minutes in the room to wait for him (Health Care System suks ~ don't get me started on that one Ralphie). The doctor seemed very nice. He asked me if I had been sick during the week. Well I had. I have had a ough (not a bad one) and a runny nose as well as a sore throat earlier in the week. He said I had a very bad viral infection when he listened to my heart and checked me out. He said all the symptons are the same as a heart attack that I was having because my lungs were filled with mucous and my heart is working harder. So he gave me ventilin to clear things up. I tell you I have absolutely no energy and have visited the bathroom every 20 minutes for the last 3 days. I am not supposed to go help at B's track meet in an hour and a half. How am I going to manage that all day with no toilet and 30+ degree weather. Jon isn't home until tonight. I am so thankful that my good pal Sheryl came over on Saturday night to take care of me because I gave a few people a scare. When she was over she folded my laundry, read to my kids and tucked them in. What a pal. Thanks Sheryl!


Tammy Brownlee said...

OMG girl...hope you are feeling better now!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

You need to look after the mother of your children!! They only have one and they need her. Get well soon.