well last year i saw the charlie brown tree at urban outfitters and wanted it so bad. still do! i can't fathom $24 though. i know i am so cheap about some things. i mean really... it is a twig with a christmas ornament. i love it though. any of you have one?
Oh I love this tree!!! I would love to have one, but I'm with you...$24 is a little steep.
When I was 10 my parents stopped taking me with them to pick out the Christmas tree, because I would always find the "Charlie Brown" tree on the lot, and beg them to buy it, because nobody else would. I even used to throw in a few tears. Maybe I should show my mom this, she might buy it for me now..LOL!!!
see...no wi am a sucker...i probably woul dbuy it....nothing like throwing soem money out teh window! lol....very patheticly cute! lol
Oh heck, it's Christmas! Go get it!
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