well i have read tons of information from peta and i really am starting to feel like i want to become a vegetarian. other than steak once in a blue moon i almost never eat meat. not trying to bash any of my farmer friends. i totally know that is the food chain and that is what we are supposed to do, eat meat. i just have a hard time doing it anymore. i don't know if i stnd alone on this or not. my girlfriend suzanne was a vegetarian for many years. she broke loose and started eating chicken wings again because she was going out after work.
any vegetarians or vegans here? i don't think i could go as hrd core as a vegan. i like eggs, cheese, butter and milk too much. what do you think?
I couldn't do the vegan thing...but seriously I like a good steak and my chicken now and again...if you can do it all the power to it!
I don't think I could do it! I like meat too much! I don't eat a lot of beef but would really miss a big juicy steak every once in a while. Chicken is usually what we have.
I am not a big meat eater, but giving it TOTALLY up would be tough for me!!!
I do however think it would probably wise.......the healthy choice!!!!
I am mostly vegetarian. I will eat chicken and fish, but I won't cook raw chicken.
I never really liked meat, even when I was little so giving up pork and beef was no big deal to me. I don't even miss it. It's a bigger deal for other people to understand why you don't eat meat.
I don't think I could go as far as becoming vegan. That's pretty difficult.
Just give it a try a see how it goes, you'll know pretty fast if it's something you want to stick to or not.
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