Monday, October 23, 2006

what is wrong?...

well i have to say, i was not myself this past weekend so i do apologize to everyone at the retreat this past weekend. especially to my friends. i was out of sorts and somewhat grouchy to a few people. i do apologize and heavily apologize. after last night, i felt like i needed to come out with what is REALLY wrong. i used a lame ass excuse to some of my friends as to what is really wrong. i think i just needed to vent. i am scared and not sure what is wrong with me. for the last couple weeks i have been having headaches a lot. i have also been near blacking out and having a few episodes where i did. i hadn't told anyone until i told two of my best friends yesterday afternoon because thing were really coming to a head. i have been very emotional, feeling faint, suffocated and totally out of sorts. during the weekend, i found it so stuffy that i had to keep leaving because i needed air and i needed to get away from the bright lights.

so i am sorry if i used some lame ass excuse as to why i wasn't feeling well. i really didn't want to talk about it. i thought if i didn't tell you that you wouldn't keep asking me about it.

i do apologize. i plan on getting to a doctor to find out what is wrong. i already have higher blood pressure. so we will see what is wrong. i will keep you informed. sorry for the scare and sorry for being a biotch!


Janna said...

ahh, renee... you worry too much about other people sometimes when you shouldn't be. yes, we would have been concerned (as i am!) but you should know that that is what your friends are here for. friendships go both ways. lots of people lean on you... you should know your friends are there for you to lean on, too... always... hey... sometimes, we can even be helpful! try us;)

the worrywart;)


Renee said...

Hugs Renee honey....I'm so glad to hear you are doing something about these episodes...know that your friends will rally around to support you no matter what happens...even crazy chica's you barely me!!! After all my name's Renee too and I could never let another Renee down! Hell I've never met a Renee I didn't like!!! LOL...but seriously in the meantime keep that BP down...drink lots of water...and do keep us posted....HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you as you figure this all out...i'm sure all those that love you don't mind if you are a little off or cranky...thinking of you

Unknown said...

Hope this is short lived, and you are feeling like your good ole self REAL SOON!!! Don't worry about feeling bad, I am sure everyone near & dear to you TOTALLY understands!!! Take care of yourself.....(((HUGS)))!!!!

Tammy Brownlee said...

Hey sweetie....i didnt get to experience your bitchiness this past weekend...but even if i had...NO worries chickie!!!! I loves make sure you do go to the doctor for this....take care of yourself...take some selfish me time if you can....and do what the doctors tell you!

Ok...enough with my motherly advice...seriously though...never feel like you cant go to your friends....hell listen to me babble on about absolutely nothing for an hour and 21 can babble,bitch and complain all you want...i may not be listening...but i will pretend!:o)

Take care honey...keep us posted!

Corry said...

sorry you are feeling crappy, please go to the doc and i'll be praying for ya that it's nothing serious. hugs my friend.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some answers soon Renee! Thinking good thoughts for you! (((HUGS)))